Pastor Tal Lewis
"Having returned to Medina UMC for a second term on staff, my main responsibilities center around preaching, teaching and administration. With my down time I enjoy camping, disc-golf and just being outdoors. "
Meet the team.

Dave Tennant
Discipleship Coordinator
I am here to help you get involved in our missions / community services, and small groups ministries. I am also here to talk with you about your future in service to our world within, and outside of our church!

Deanne Donoughe
Office Manager
Where to begin on what I do here? Organizing and helping the office staff is my primary role here! I also oversee the slides for worship, the email and social media communication for the church, and the millions of odds and ends that take place behind the scenes!

Emma Prusha
Youth Director
Emma is so excited to be joining MUMC as the Youth Coordinator! She grew up east of Cleveland in Chardon, OH, where her love for Northeast Ohio was planted. She did a little bit of hopping around during college, but eventually settled at Ohio Northern University where she graduated with a BS in Religion, Political Science, History, and Public Relations. Please stop her to say hi or contact her with any questions!

Patty Neidert
Director of Children & Family Ministries
I have the best job of all! I get to connect with all the children and families here at MUMC. I oversee Kids in Faith Curriculum and Volunteers on Sunday Morning, and this is just the beginning.

Brett Rabung
Praise Team Leader
Hi, I'm Brett! Having served as the leader of the MUMC Praise Team since … well for a long, long time! I love leading our congregation in Praise and worship! Come and sing along with us on Sunday mornings for worship at 10:30am. Hope to see you there!

Elaine Stone
I play organ for our traditional worship service at 9:00 a.m., all special services held throughout the year, funerals and weddings. I also accompany the Chancel Choir, the Cantata Choirs, and summer soloists.

Mike McClintock
Director of Music Ministries
I lead all the music ministries of Medina UMC from choir to cantata! I also oversee the music for events at the church. We are always in search of musicians to join our choir, bell choir, orchestras, or special music. Feel free to reach out to me with any needs!

Peggy Folk
Office Secretary
I answer the phones, the door, and the many questions that get asked at the front desk. I also support the Ministry Staff with any thing that may pop up! If you are in the church during office hours stop in and say "hi"!

Kaila Neidert
Juliana Ross
Terri Barco
Sarah Harrison
Nursery Coordinator
Nursery Coordinator
Medina Weekday Preschool Director
I coordinate and work in the Nursery on Sunday Mornings. I have the best job of all! I get to cuddle and play with the babies and toddlers while their parents are in worship! If you are interested in volunteering in the Nursery at either service please see me.
I coordinate and work in the Nursery on Sunday Mornings with Kaila. I also get to hang with the preschoolers! I have such a fun job. On Sundays you can find me cuddling with the babies or playing, reading, and coloring with the preschoolers!
I just completed my 25th year as MUMC Treasurer! I pay the bills, work on payroll, and work hard at saving MUMC money whenever it is possible.
My job involves leading the staff and students of Medina Weekday Preschool. My favorite part of my job is watching young children learn and grow socially, emotionally, and intellectually.
Leadership Board

Rich Bidinger
Chair Person

Alex Bachtel

Rick Henriksen

Lisa Kasmer

Mark Lohner

Autumn Nyahay

Peggy Reeves

Eric Stoner

Carolyn VanDoren